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Hello again, fans of Carolyn Ellingson's art!
In this issue:
We have exciting news about Carolyn's art. First of all we have completed a digital catalog of all of her known works (over 1900 pieces) and have made the images and information on all these pieces available to everyone on a searchable online art gallery on her website at Please take a look at the Gallery -- Carolyn's home page includes a Gallery link as well as additional information on how we have categorized her works. A search displays one or more pages of 'thumbnail' images; each of these thumbnail images can be selected to bring up a larger version of the piece in a new window. The Gallery page also offers the option to simply bring up a selection of 30 random works. Here is the direct link to the Gallery page:
Secondly, several of you have inquired about purchasing art by Carolyn which remained unsold upon her death in 2002. We are pleased to say that we are now making available approximately 35 of her works for sale through the same searchable Gallery on We have included a button (For Sale) on the main Gallery page to display only those works available for purchase. Pieces for sale will appear with both a "For Sale" graphic and a price immediately above the image (on both the thumbnail and on the larger image). If you are interested in purchasing a piece of art, click on the For Sale graphic above the image, and a Contact form will appear. After you submit the completed form via the website, we will reply by email to your inquiry. We encourage you to ask us for any additional information about a piece you are interested in buying, so that your purchase decision can be an informed one. Use this link to the Sales Information page, which also includes a link to all art for sale:
Thirdly, Carolyn's art was featured in a cover story published in the April 2006 issue of Optics and Photonics News, a publication of the Optical Society of America. One of her works graces the cover, and several more appear with the story entitled "Optically Induced Events, and Other Art by Carolyn Ellingson. The images of her art appear in full, clear color, and the Acrobat .pdf version of the story can be viewed at Here's the direct link:
As a reminder, we never share your email addresses with anyone else, and each email we send to our email subscription list includes a link for simple removal from the list. On the other hand, if you'd like to add another email address, or if a friend would like to subscribe, you use the same link (bottom of this newsletter) to add or remove a name.
We appreciate your interest in Carolyn's art, and hope that you enjoy the online Gallery.
On behalf of,
Randy Ellingson